Give Up or Leave? HELP!


so me and this guy have been talking for about a month and have hung out a few times. for about 3 weeks we talked non-stop and were all lovey dovey with each other.

he’s a bad boy and has been arrested a few times and expelled for drugs in school and got kicked out of his house for drugs. but he’s under 18 so nothing ever happened i guess.

ANYWAY, about a week ago after we had sex he started being really distant and barely talking to me. or i would talk to him and he’d leave me on READ or OPEN. it’s been like that ever since and he got kicked out about a week ago.

i talked to him about this and he says he’s just been busy and stressed with school, work, friends, and finding a place to live while he’s kicked out. i understand and all but i’m literally giving him the option to stay at my house and to drive him to work and all that to make his life easier and happier. i just dont know if i should leave him alone or keep helping him through it. opinions?