Moving in before marriage?


My bf and I want to move in together once we have the funds.(He is gonna be 20 and I will be 21 this comming year) My mom is highly against it, and says that you should be married first. I don't agree I am more like my bf who wants to, "try before you buy" we have been together for a few years now, and we have never had an argument, we agree on basicly everything, and want a future together at this point. But this has been while living apart, we want to move in together before getting married to see if we are still perfect together under the same roof. "I don't want to get married only to not like the way we live together." which to me makes alot of sense. What do you guys think? Did you guys wait for a ring to move in, or not and how did it pan out? Or if it hasn't happened yet would you or would you not wait for a ring?

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