My Mom is Stressing Me Out


I'm currently going through my senior year of high school, which means I have to go through applying to college and all that. With all of this going on, I've been getting really stressed out and my mom is making it worse. For starters, my mom has literally been forcing me to take the ACT. Look, I just finished taking my required regents last year and I just finished taking my SAT in October. I dont want to take another major test, especially this year. There was even a time where she saw an ACT flyer and she literally said " Oh, I forgot to register you for the ACT"...SHE WAS GONNA REGISTER ME BEHIND MY BACK!!!! More recently, we've been trying to go watch Justice League for a couple of weeks now, but we always had to reschedule. We were actually supposed to go yesterday, but I spent the entire day trying to apply to my colleges amd I was exhausted. My mom came back to the house after running errands and asked if were still going to go, but I said I was too tired to go. She ends up getting pissed off and says "We're never gonna see this movie. I'm gonna go watch it by myself." WELL FREAKIN SUE ME FOR TRYING TO GO TO A GOOD COLLEGE BY APPLYING EARLY!!! It's bad enough you want me to go to colleges I dont even want to go to, but you're getting mad at me for being mentally stressed from this whole process and no longer feeling like going to the movies?! Your getting mad like I'm saying this on purpose. Did I do something wrong or am I just going insane?