in a relationship w/ step kids is hard!


my bf and his son moved in with me. my bf have 2 kids. a 12 year boy that lives with us and goes to his mother's house occasionally and a 6 year old girl that lives with mom and comes over every other week. I'm curious as to how you ladies handle this. For example, we drop off his daughter back to her mother's house and a couple of hours later she text my bf talking shit that her daughter stink, she came home hungry etc. mind you we drop her off before 8 because we know she have school the follo6day and she wants to text him at 11pm smh. I tell him to ignore her and text her tomorrow but he don't listen and they go back n fourth while and I'm sitting there! Another thing is his BM owns a house. she lives in the 2nd floor apartment and the kids grandmother lives in the 1st floor. so when we drop her off my bf goes inside the house and I'm in the car like ....??? he says he's not going in his BM apartment but IDGAF that's her property and I feel like that's wrong. his daughter is 6 she can walk inside the house or walk her to the house WHERE I CAN SEE YOU. am I wrong ?? How many ladies go through this? how do YOU handle this in your relationship ? what are your agreements with your s/p ?