Mother From HELL


This is going to be long..

I have 2 kids and live with my Mom at the moment because of unfortunate circumstances . We have never really gotten along since I was in my teens and constantly butt heads.

But she is always lending a helping hand when it comes to my kids (babysitting, bathing, feeding) which is fucking great don’t get me wrong (I work nights so it’s super helpful) .. Only thing is she is helping a little too much.. As in chiming in on my disciplinary ways with my kids how I shouldn’t use a certain tone with my son (5 years old). Or how I should just let him walk all over me and ignore me. The best one is getting mad at me for getting mad at him and not listening to me.. in front of him

ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?! Never correct a parent in front of their child(ren) they just think in their little but smart brains that “hey someone is agreeing with my bad behaviour fuck what you said!” And then it’s even more difficult to do my job as a Mom.

And bed time is at 730 each night but that doesn’t seem to matter to her.. because he’ll be up until 10pm fighting with her, yelling at her, running away from her, laughing at her all while she’s trying to put him to sleep and then she will complain about his needing to go to bed early and that we need to have patience with him when he acts like that ...

That doesn’t fly with me. So as soon as I step into that room that little boy runs under those covers and doesn’t make a peep..

I ask her calmly to leave the room so this doesn’t continue and he can go to sleep because I know for a fact this kid is just beat hence PART of the reason he acts like that.. and she STAYS LAYING DOWN BESIDE HIM..

I’m trying to STOP this shenanigans from continuing but here we are not listening to me as the MOM! Once again. Then it just turns into an argument over her assumptions that I’ll start yelling at him.. like nah I tell him to make another noise or get out of the bed and he will see what happens and that usually does the trick and five minutes later he’s out cold..

I’ve tried talking to her nicely, not so nicely, assertively, calmly, everything under the sun and NOTHING has gotten through to her! We actually just got into an argument and she just kept talking and talking and talking pure bullshit. So I had to walk away.. she always says she’ll stop doing what I asked her to stop doing and reverts right back to the same old ways.. Im tired ducking exhausted not to mention pregnant and super unhappy I hate working nights but I’m so happy to get over 10 hours away from this chaos and point blank don’t respect my Mom anymore.

It’s sucks cause when I wasn’t living here it was better cause well we didn’t see each other all the time. But now.. I’m stressed I feel it in my stomach this baby is going to be born to stress with this and everything else around me going south. I know why my son acts like that. I’ve disciplined him with (licks raised from a Caribbean family so if you’re Caribbean you know what I’m talking about) but I’ve stopped and tried a different approach which has been working for me but my Mom refuses to follow. Because we need to have (patience)

So I’m constantly having to deal with the reteaching..