Trying to leave past behind

Okay first off Im engaged to yhe most wonderful man ever yet Im still married. okay let me explain... got married to my husband about 4 years ago. I was working and he didnt want me to so i quit .... together for a yr and a few months then left him. all around emotionally abusive and hit me once. Didnt handle muself well, depressed all the time and one night I broke down and told my mom. we had him leave. tried to get another job and 3months later i started talking to this guy and we clicked. we met and we hit it off. he asked me to be his. yr later asked me to marry him of course i said yes. ex just kept giving excuses after excuses said hed do the papers. now its been 4 yrs since ive seen him and im pissed. was supposed to have the papers today but he gave me excuses. mind you im still looking for a job. and his lawywer cancelled on him. im so emotional right now. I so wish i had a friend thats a lawer so i know what to do ....... i just feel like cryimg and just staying in bed curled up.