Dreaming of Snakes. Does This Mean Anything?


The other night I had a dream of a copperhead snake. I dreamed that my family and I were checking out this house (never seen it before in my life). I went up the stairs into the attic, and there was this wooden ledge that we were trying to look on top off. I looked to the left of it, and walked over to look to the right of it. When I backed up I saw this copperhead on the ledge right where I was at. I stood there terrified and remembered thinking how in the world it didn't bite me when I was over there. About that time it struck at me and missed. I ran downstairs to get my dad, and just as we were coming back upstairs that's when I woke up. Never had a dream like that before... Very un-nerve-ing, especially since I HATE snakes. Does this dream mean anything, or was it just a dream?