How do your dogs react?


So, me and my husband just told our family were ttc for baby #1. And my aunt was really making me mad. Only because she was telling me how i will "have" to get rid of my dogs if i have a baby. Or if i dont get rid of them ill "have" to put them outside. She was making a total big deal about it and was going around to all of my other family members saying that they need to tell me to do something about my dogs. Just trying to get someone to back her up i guess. Im not saying my dogs are perfect and well behaved. But their not aggressive in anyway. The only time their like that is if someone knocks on the door and all theyll do is bark. My youngest German Shepard just turned 1 so hes still a puppy. And the only thing he does is jump when we get home because hes excited. And thats an easy fix. And thats something will definitely teach them not to do. Other then that my dogs are sweet and protective (like i said no were aggressive). Their big babies and love to cuddle and sleep all day. Whats your thoughts on this? Like if we did have a baby? Keep in mind my aunt has NEVER met my dogs so she knows nothing about them but besides pictures. I wont put my dogs outside because i live in a neighborhood and i dont want anyone taking them. And im not putting up a gate because were going to be moving soon! And once we move theyll be inside and outside dogs. Inside at night and whenever im home and outside during the day and when were gone. Were moving up to his families property so we know theyll be okay.

Btw this is their first snow. And they were super excited. 😊