About Last Night : Oral Appreciation

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I made a quick stop and then I was home. I had maybe 2-3 hours before he would walk through the door. It was enough time for me to do something for him to show how much he was appreciated...

I was in the bedroom when I heard the front door close. I heard a bell ring a few times then a chuckle came from him. He’s read my note,I smiled. I taped a sheet of paper to the closet where he hangs his suit jackets and coats:

“Sir, please remove your clothes and head to the bathroom. Take the bell on top of the nightstand labeled “head bell” with you. I will explain its purpose. Sincerely, your servant for tonight, Juicy”

The bedroom door was closed but I heard him go into the bathroom. I gave him 5 minutes to get in the bath before I emerged from the bedroom. I stood in the doorway and he turned his head to side to look at me then he smiled.

“Well, Alright!” He said with a kool-aid grin as he looked me over honing in on my kneecaps . I had on my maid uniform. The matching hat covered the top of my grey ombré colored 22in wig. I wanted to wear my stilettos but I settled for my black kitten heels. I even had on my waterproof knee pads.I planned on putting in that work tonight and this would make me more comfortable.

“Sir I’m Juicy, let me explain the bell”

I’m not sure what accent I was going for. It came out as a blend of Swedish and Jamaican and he was cracking up.

“Stop laughing, let me finish”I said still in character holding my own laughter hostage in my mouth.

“Ring this bell when you want me to give you head. It is for head only. No matter what I’m doing I must stop it and oblige. Okay! I will clean you n.....”

My fucking giggles escaped!

I laughed as I began to wash his body. It took no time for things to get serious though.

“Ring, Ring,Ring”

He got on the edge of the back of the tub. I took of my shoes off and I hopped in the tub with my uniform on. I grabbed his balls with my left hand and his dick with my right hand. I began to suck him slowly going down as far as I could go. I was gripping him like a tight pussy with my mouth going up and down slowly. As I picked up speed, he grabbed the back of my head and thrust his dick in my mouth. I was holding on like my mouth was riding a mechanical bull. I wasn’t letting go for shit. I grabbed his ass cheeks and began to thrust him harder in me my damn self.

Clearly going for a record holding my breath. My eyes watered up and pleasure tears fell but I kept going. Finally I had to come up for air. I inhaled, exhaled and went back at it. Then I slowed down gripping his dick up and down again. I licked the tip of his dick and slurped it up. I licked both sides of it and slurped on it from top to bottom. I licked and sucked his balls simultaneously with his perineum.

“Shiiiiit”he whispered as his head fell back. I looked up at him and smiled then kept going. I licked my way back up to the tip of his dick and swallowed him up. The way he grabbed the back of my head this time, I knew we were approaching the finale. My mouth was riding the mechanical bull again. I grabbed his ass cheeks to let him know “Give me all you got!” He obliged. He pounded in to my mouth harder and harder, faster and faster and faster! The first two squirts went down my throat. But I wanted to bathe in him. I took his dick out my mouth and pointed it to my face. He unloaded in my hair and on my forehead down to my nose. I rubbed it in with hands then sucked my fingers,

In my Swedish, Jamaican voice I spoke.

“Very good Sir!”

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