I need help


Me and my two year old share a room. I’ve recently been having a problem with him destroying our room during the night. I’m not sure if he wakes up during the night and just does this stuff and eventually goes back to sleep or if he wakes up in the morning and does it before I wake up.

Like he drags everything out and has even ripped our curtain down off the window several times (which is hard to put back up.)

Before anybody says I need to be watching my child I do. But he has been staying up super late so when he finally goes to bed then I go to sleep and end up in a deep sleep from being so tired.

I don’t know what to do, I’ve put up just about everything I own so he can’t mess with it but he still finds stuff to mess up and drag out.

And I’m even having to replace a tv that I haven’t even had a full year because he whacked it with one of his toys and it messed up.

**This is where it kinda turns into a rant**

I just hate not being able to have nothing because he goes behind me and messes my things up ALL THE TIME. It just sucks. And I know he’s just a kid, I know that. Sorry I’m ranting it’s just today he’s pushed all the buttons he can push and now I’m on the verge of locking myself in a room and crying my eyes out.

Parenthood is rough.😐