Would you?

So let’s say you were in a relationship with someone for 2 years, you live together few fights here and there but happy for the most part. And then suddenly they want to take a break because they claim you deserve someone better and they just don’t think they can handle a relationship and work 2 jobs. But you don’t believe in breaks so after about a week you just say you can’t do it because you don’t understand how he can love you one day and then the next not know if he want you and you just end up calling it off. You both break the lease paying 1,300 dollars. The times you see them in between all of this going on they call you beautiful and give you hugs and you sit in your car with them for hours just talking just like when you first started dating and then when everything is all set and done with they disappear for about a month only messaging you on thanksgiving once and then now they message you about 3 weeks after that asking if you still work at your job so they can come say hi so you say you’re not there that night staying very short with them and they say that they will be there if you ever want to talk to them and that they mean what they say...would you keep responding to this person?