Super annoyed with my tummy!!!


I am about 270 i was 290 when i got pregnant but lost 20pounds due to being a bit more active and eating better. I wear a 4x pretty comfortably and finding maternity clothes that don't cost an arm and a leg and are my size is close to impossible. But now I'm 21weeks and slowly my baby belly is growing and wearing pants is horrible!!

I have an overly sensitive stomach to begin with but now any pressure or anything on it and i get cramps. My pants aren't even tight but i cant wear them all day, especially after a meal.

I cant wear my pants lower under my apron belly because i find myself super self conscious and i work in a professional office and it just doesn't look very nice. However when i wear them lower i am 10x more comfortable.

I would love to get a belly band for support too but the pressure would probably be too uncomfortable. Getting frustrated.

On top of it all, i don't look pregnant at all. People at work said i look like I've lost weight and cant believe I'm pregnant. I came to be at peace with my size a while ago but i look at all the pronounced prego bellies and i cant help but be a bot jealous.

On the plus side, i finally got my boy! I have a 5yr old girl and 2yr old girl and my last is a boy. Getting tubes tied at my scheduled csection.