My son finding his independence ❤️

So the other night my son who’s 7 had his friend from school sleep over. They went to bed around 9pm. All of a sudden around 11pm I hear a muffled commotion so I go to see what’s going on. I listen at the door and overhear what’s happening. It turns out the little girl peed the bed and was crying because she felt embarrassed. I hear my son hug her. He tells her everything was going to be ok and he will take care of it, nobody will know.

I decide to see how my son will handle the situation himself and go back to my room with the door open a bit. My son goes to his sisters room and wakes her up. He just stands there and goes “Hey”. She’s 11 and I honestly don’t blame her for whispering “what the fuck.” Cause from what I can tell my son was just standing there like a weirdo after waking her up. 😂 They know better not to swear in front of my husband and I.

Anyways, so he proceeds to say “I need some of your pyjamas.” She’s like “What? Why?” He says “I can’t tell you.” Her response- “Okay.” AND then she gets him some! I don’t know about you but at that age if my brother asked me a random question like that with NO REASON I know I’d laugh and be like “BYEE 😂” It was heartwarming to see that she just trusted him.

My daughter gives him some fresh pyjamas and goes back to bed. He then goes back to his room and brings his friend to the bathroom. I can see the bathroom clearly from my room. He starts a bath for her and leaves the clean clothes by the sink. He’s just talking to her making her feel better and joking around. He even adds some bubbles for her. He gets a fresh towel for her and a cloth. When the water was at the perfect amount (to be honest I held my breath afraid it would overflow) he shut off the tap and turned off the water. He told her to leave her dirty clothes outside the bathroom door before she got it and leaves.

My son goes to the room and I hear him moving around for a bit while his friends in the bath. I can tell he’s trying not to be too loud. He goes to the bathroom to grab the girls clothes then I hear him go downstairs.

I go in his room to see what he did. He completely stripped his sheets and grabbed a new blanket from his closet. He made his bed to the best of his ability (he struggles with fitted sheets lol) and even brought all his dirty laundry downstairs.

I hear him coming back up so I sneak back into my room. I can hear him cleaning the floor in his room. Then he goes and cleans in front of the bathroom door where her clothes were sitting. I told my husband that my cleanliness would rub off! The girl ends up coming out of the bath. He asks her if she feels better and she says yes. Then they go back to bed.

I started crying and woke up my husband to tell him what happened. I’m so proud of my son for being independent and mindful of his friends feelings. He’s the greatest little man a mama could ask for.

I go downstairs the next morning and he even tried to wash everything in the washing machine. Used half a bottle of laundry soap, but it’s the thought that counts!


These are happy tears I promise.