14hr labor, 3 hrs pushing but he's here!

Brodie • •Angel baby Wyatt Lee 10.12.16 •Baby #2 Gunner Lee Allan born 12.15.17 •Baby # 3- ended in miscarriage 5.20.19 •Baby #4 due 4.11.2020 •Married to my amazing husband Todd Lee 4.14.18 •Cosmetologist •Australian born and raised •Texas livin'

Little back story.

I lost my first son October 12th 2016 due to incompetent cervix. I delivered him at 22 weeks after being on hospital bedrest for 5 days and there was nothing anyone could do to stop labor. When I was admitted I was 3cm dilated and had buldging membranes.

Fast forward to march 2017 we conceived our little rainbow baby and had a due date of December 22nd. I had a cerclage placed at 14 weeks and everything was perfect.

My appointment to have my cerclage removed was at 7am December first. I got all checked in filled out paperwork and was put in a l&d; room to get prepped.  The dr came in right at 8 and as soon as she put the speculum in i was in tears! (I've never had a problem with this before) it hurt so bad! Mind you I haven't been allowed to have sex since I got the cerclage at 14 weeks. My Dr said my cervix was so high and that's why it hurt. After 15 mins of pain, they decided to Give me laughing gas. It helped alot but I could still feel the pain. The nurse had to calm me down several times because i was hyperventilating. Finally everything was done at 8:40am and let's just say after that pain I was not looking forward to giving birth.

December 6th I had my weekly appt (37 weeks 5 days) Dr checked for dilation and wasn't dilated at all. She also told me my cervix was tilted and that's why they had a problem getting the cerclage out, then I was informed my pelvis is very narrow and it may cause me to need a c-section.

December 14th I decided to go ahead and get induced due to my parents leaving the country on the 20th (Not only that, but my Dr said delivering at 39 weeks we would have a better chance of delivering vaginally since he would be smaller to fit through my pelvis) I had my weekly appt that morning and I was still not dilated at all and my cervix was still tilted, but Dr did say that she could feel baby's head which was progress since she couldn't feel it the week before. Since I wasn't getting induced for medical reasons I was not first priority and waited for a phone call to see if they would have a bed for me, which they did and we were told to be at the hospital by 9pm. We stopped and I had Whataburger for my last meal, got to the hospital and got checked in. They put the monitors on me, gave me an iv, and then placed the cervadil (to help ripen my cervix since I wasn't dilated at all) and ouch it hurt! Then I was also given Ambion to help me sleep.

Around 4am I started cramping and was in tears. I didn't think they were contractions so I tried to relax as much as I could & my Dr gave me some amazing medicine that made me a little loopy but it helped me sleep. then they got worse at about 6am and were 2-3 mins apart so I got the epidural.  Around 7ish my Dr came in and checked me and I was 5cm already! I then rested for a while and nurse checked me at around 11 and I was 9cm. By 12pm I was a full 10cm dilated, but my Dr wanted to let my contractions do some of the work before she had me pushing, so we didn't start pushing until 3:10pm. I pushed and pushed and pushed. (Pushed 3-4 times per contraction) by 5:15ish the "c" word came up and I did not want to get a c-section. (Remember my pelvis is narrow which is why it was a little harder) on top of that i had a small fever but I was determined to deliver vaginally. They were going to give me until 6:10 to keep pushing and if I didnt progress then we would go through with a c-section. Well... like I said I was determined and I pushed with everything I had and my sweet rainbow baby Gunner Lee Allan Sexton was born at 6:24 pm,  December 15th, 2017 weighing 6lbs 10oz and 19 inches long and he was born sunny side up!!

I asked my Dr if I tore, she said I had a second degree tear (hubby later told me she actually gave me an epesiotomy) all in all I was absolutely terrified of giving birth but it wasn't bad at all. I'd do it again in a heart beat. I literally did not feel a thing after I got my epidural.

Sorry it's long, but thanks for reading & good luck to you all whether you're pregnant or TTC 😙