Birth Story (40+2)


Our due date was set for 12/11, on 12/12 we had an appointment to monitor baby and schedule an induction date. The previous week my doctor had told us he was going to call and get an induction date asap because baby dislocated a rib causing horrible chest pains. We get there at 1cm and 60% effaced and he tells us calling to induce had slipped his mind and the earliest I could get was the 21st and even then there was a long wait. So the second he left the room, I bawled because ya know, pregnancy. We get a membrane sweep and our doctor tells us "Don't get too hopeful, you still have a lot more cervix than I like" 😞 Contractions started at 15 minutes apart alllllllll night, so a very hopeful momma starts squatting and dancing and cleaning her floors! When my husband got home at 1 pm I was having contractions 4 minutes apart! 🙆‍♀️ We get to the hospital and are admitted at a high 4 ALMOST 5 cm! All hooked up and get the epidural which worked great until my epidural machine literally broke 🤤 They swapped it out but as they were turning me to my side to make sure everything was good my water broke! It was 6:30 pm I was at 8 cm and progressing fast! Doctor came in at 7 pm and checked, 9 cm! My epidural suddenly went out completely except for my left leg RIGHT before I needed to push 😭 I pushed for 28 minutes and felt every inch of our 8lb 8oz and 22 inch long boy! Worth the pain, he's incredible 🤞💞