Angry and Jealous


I'm 20 years old and ttc with pcos. My husband and I tried for 6 months, then decided to use bc for 6 months to try to help manage the pain, as my cysts frequently become unbearably large and rupture (I usually pass out from the pain and can't function for the rest of the day). I just came off bc, but he's active duty army and about to deploy, which means it'll be about a year before we can start trying again. In the past year, I've had 7 friends or family members ages 17-25 have their first child, and 5 more are currently expecting. I am of course happy for them and got each of them a gift, but I can't help but get so angry and jealous with every photo or status they post. I'm so mad that most of them are single moms who didn't mean to get pregnant and here I am struggling to start a family. My husband wants a little girl so bad and it honestly feel like less of a woman for this problem and it's depressing me. Am I wrong to feel like this? How do I cope emotionally and physically??