Haircut scandal


I went to a new salon to get my hair cut today... The lady told me that her current boyfriend used to be her boss, and he was married, with a 6 year old and a child on the way...they had an affair and how he isn't married anymore and now she is dating him.

She said she was upset that his ex wife didn't invite them to their baby's first birthday party (I wonder why??)

Then she asks me if my husband is at home with my 18 month old. And then says that he is going to be SO excited when he sees my new hair. That he is gonna let me go out and have a "me" day whenever I want and he is gonna want to have another baby when he sees this hair.

I was fuming. I am not married anymore because of whores like her and cheaters like her boyfriend. My husband cheated on me when I was 6 months pregnant and now we are divorced. No. He isn't "letting me have a "me" day." He just has custody this weekend and I'm doing my hair to not miss my baby as much as I do.

I didn't tell her any of this...just kept quiet. I only tipped 10% tho...that's as mean as I could get.
