relationship trouble

so it's the first time posting but I really do need some help or advice about my situation so long story short I'm with this person for 3 years going on 4 first year amazing second alright 3 sucked and all due to him not saving money and we have now a 1 year old and he works to have nothing he works alot now he comes home see the baby 1 to 2 hours a day I do it all morning in till evening on taking care of the baby btw I did it when she was a new born I woke up every night he didn't i talked and talked to put some sense does not work one thing he loves doing is going to his dad's house like he would find any excuse to leave with his dad I told him I don't know how many times to be here with his family and nothing works btw his dad calls him everyday just to say some things then he leave then I hear his brother is texting saying he needs money and a ride home oh and his dad is also the money chaser and he gives him money I told him not to cause he has nothing I mean nothing he pays his car bill and phone bill and that's it and 300 of rent then it goes to daddy like I'm at that point I already told him he chooses his family over my daughter and me today I haven't seen all week cause of work what he did left to family house and came back 2 hours before my baby put to sleep then he says he's tired of my attitude like I'm supposed to be happy with him I serious don't know i feel that his family first then me and I'm at that point where I don't want this anymore