We’re just a “thing”

I have this amazing guy I met at a hotel I’m staying at while my house was being renovated. He’s incredibly sweet. One of those old school gentleman types. And we’ve been dating For a year now. We aren’t officially together just because of my past with guys and I was having trouble letting people in at the time. But we’ve decided one night that we were both sexually frustrated and decided to go at it. Problem? I WAS ON MY PERIOD! Of course there was foreplay where he was kissing my neck and praising my body. So once heels ready he then asked one more time if I was 100% sure I wanted to do this. I told him yeah because he already knew about me being on my time of the month. I had just never dont it before. One thing led to another and he’s hitting it so good. So much pressure was released and I felt .... alive I guess... then out of nowhere this asshole has the nerve says ANOTHER GIRLS NAME.

Angela!!At first I didn’t rlly notice but he said it louder as he went deeper. I pushed him off of me and I asked him what my name was and he got it right but when I asked him who’s name he was moaning he panicked. He wouldn’t tell me. So when I asked him to leave because I was uncomfortable he finally decided to tell me everything. This fucking asshole had the nerve to tell me that he’s fucking married but separated from his wife.

Apparently she cheated on him and they separated but hasn’t been over her since. They’ve been together for 6 years. I felt so stupid. He had no ring no signs that he was married at all. He always made time for me and cared for me. We would be out late and everything and make the most out of our lives. And come to find out that he’s secretly married crushed me I told him so much about my life. He knew so much about me as a person. Things that not even my family knows. I just really felt confused on my emotions and lost but all at the same time pissed 😤. Now a days I keep receiving flowers from him at the hotel apologizing to me about what happened that night. I’ve been with this guy for three years and I have feelings for him but he has made me look like the biggest dumb ass in history.

I don’t know what to do at this point I’m still getting flowers. He still works at my hotel and I actually really started to fall in love with him. This sucks. This rlly fucking sucks what do I do? 😰