Acne for dummies

I’ve had acne since I was 9 and now I’m 15. So I’ve had it for 6 years and for people who are ignorant you need to know certain stuff

1. We wash our faces. Acne is not solely caused by dirt.

2. When you are talking to us please look at us and not our acne or look away and disappear

3. You cannot pop our pimples for us. Thanks

4. If I have acne and you touch my face I have concluded that you 98.5% do not like me

5. Have you tried.....? Yes I have

6 And if you have clear skin naturally you are privileged. You aren’t doing anything spectacular. Trust me

7 It’s worse when someone who gets a pimple in a blue moon comes to tell you “I know how you feel”

Please if you can relate put down your own experiences