MIL is a bitch!

So I woke up this morning to go to work. Well, my car is dead and won't start. I asked my MIL to please jump me and she said she can't with her rental car. So I asked her to please give me a ride to work and she can't because she will be late for lunch with her MIL. Like are you effing kidding me? 1. Your lunch is more important than me having a job?! 2. You're going toward my work anyway and you can't make a small detour?! My mom now gas to drive 30 minutes to jump me or give me a ride to work! My MIL is here staying with my husband and I for the holidays so she is literally right here. I called my work and they seem to be understanding, but I am very worried I will get fired. It is super windy and very cold here so that's why my car won't start. I just want to cry and punch my MIL in the face! (won't actually do that)