I lost my best friend a couple years ago

I know this has more to do with friends than relationships but ...

I was in Target with my boyfriend earlier and I ran into an old best friend from high school and her parents. I said hi to her parents but I feel like she saw me first and turned her head away from me before I saw her. Whatever. Then we’re at the registers next to each other and we’re both still pretending to not see each other. It was so weird and awkward and I’m kind of sad about it. I’m 22 and the last time I talked to her was my senior year in high school. I drifted away from her and our group of friends bc i was in a bad relationship. I always tried reconnecting with her and it just never worked bc she was always more into her boyfriend at the time. She has a kid now and I understand we’re both adults now and have our own lives. She only lives 2 streets away from me not even a 5 min walk from my house. We were best friends my sophomore/junior year (she’s a year younger) we were even good friends in middle school and we first met and became friends in elementary summer fun one year. It was even at that point where we would borrow clothes and never return it lol.So we go back. I was always there for her whenever she needed it whether boy drama or fights with her stepdad and we would always hang out and do stuff like shop or go beach etc. but honestly it wasn’t mutual when I needed her she wouldn’t make herself available like how I did for her and she would hardly ever answer my phone calls or texts. The last time I remember hanging out with her we were shopping for her bfs gift and she asked me if she could borrow like $12 bc she didn’t have enough and she would pay me back later so of course I lent her the money and I never did see her again after that day. I know I wasn’t always 100% a good friend sometimes but I honestly feel like she half-assed the friendship and “dumped” me after awhile. But idk if I should try and reach out to her one more time?? Or should I just let it go??