Baby #2 is...

Alex • Married for 6 years 💗 🇺🇸>🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿>🇺🇸 Hudson 6/19/14 👦🏼 Harris 5/23/18 👶🏼

This pregnancy has been totally different than with my first. More morning sickness, boobs are way bigger, more irritable. The ultrasounds between my first and second also look different! Head shapes look different and first baby had a HB of 127 and this baby was 157. I was convinced this baby would be a girl after having a boy for my first. BOY was I wrong, lol.

Second baby is a boy! I’m shocked.

So the moral of the story is, don’t compare your pregnancies! They can be totally different, and be the exact same sex!