Awful day at work - horrible manager

Sabah • Married to my best friend 👫👰🏽👨🏽‍⚕️💍 & First time Mommy 🐣👨‍👩‍👧❤️

I was at work today and I was non stop vomiting (on an empty stomach).. I threw up the water I drank to try and calm the nausea and everything and anything in my stomach just came hurling out (sorry tmi). My throat was burning.. I was shakey and could barely walk straight. I asked my manager if I could go home an hour early as I felt like I was ready to drop and just needed to lie down at home!

Anyhoo.. her reply was ‘well... is that a reason to go home. Every pregnant woman experiences sickness in their pregnancy.. I was sick for 38 weeks during my last pregnancy and I was able to hold a full time job. But if you REALLY want to go home then I guess you can go but you can’t keep doing this throughout the pregnancy’

So after that mini lecture I felt pretty krap about myself and about how I felt and about everything 😞 so I went back to my department and carried on working (whilst trying to stop myself from gagging so much) I didn’t think a WOMAN who has had a child (years ago) can be so cold and lack empathy! She saw me serving a customer (who was looking at me like they’ve seen a zombie and pitied me) and then came up to me and said ‘haven’t you left. You can go home if you want’ .... like UGHSKAMSJOSA I just walked off and left because I was ready to throw up 🤮

I still feel awful about today and I’m dreading going into work tomorrow.. I wish I had a manager who was more understanding and not so condescending and cold. Does anyone else suffer from this kind of treatment at work... how did you cope? 😩😩😩