Would you let your family members buy your kids really expensive toys?


So I have two nieces, one is 13 and the other is 5, and my sister (who is not their mom) is buying them $150 worth of presents each for Christmas.

I have a problem with this because their mom works really hard. She is a single mom and she works everyday to provide for her kids. This Christmas she bought a few things for her daughters, nothing too expensive, just toys and shoes. But she can’t afford high priced items. My sister bought the 13 year old AirPods, like the wireless headphones, and the 5 year old an iPad. I just have a problem with this because they’re not her kids.

I feel like parents should be buying their kids these items because those are things you should earn as children. And for my sister to buy this things, knowing their mother can’t afford them, just seems dirty. Like as if she’s showing off that she can buy better things than their mother.

What do you think? Am I overacting??

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