

I'm currently 40+2, was due the 21st. I had an appointment on Monday and I was 3 centimeters dilated and 70% effaced. I had a pretty strong contraction while my doctor was checking me and I had contractions after my appointment for a few hours about every 20 minutes and then they just stopped. Had some bleeding and lost my mucus plug throughout the day Monday and Tuesday, which was freaking me out because my last 3 days of work were Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. So I found coverage just in case I went into labor. I was having menstrual like cramps both days as well and into Wednesday. Then everything just stopped. Nothing has happened the past day or two and I'm so frustrated. I know baby will come when she is ready but Monday and Tuesday was such a tease, I was so excited to meet her and then everything stopped. Now I'm just feeling annoyed and emotional. I wish everyone would stop texting and calling everyday asking if she's here because I'm just trying to keep my mind off of it hoping it will help. Any other mamas have their hopes up things were getting going and are still (im)patiently waiting? I feel like everyone else either has their babies or has nothing happening at all and I'm in limbo.