I'm so pissed (he's so selfish)

Ok so my so of 12 years decided yesterday that he was goin out for the night. (I have no problem with this) however he did not come home last night ( I've seen his snapchats and know that he was at a house party in the early hours) but still has not contacted me at all today so I know he has gone out tonight again (2 nights in a row) I'm so angry I am sat at home on my own now having to wake up Christmas morning on my own. I refuse to call or text him as he doesn't think of me when he goes out (wits are completely out when the drink is in) and I refuse to chase after him when he doesn't have the respect to contact me. Any advice on how I should handle this? my family also keep asking "will he visit over Christmas but at this point I

just want to spit in his face not spend time with him and my family pretending everything's ok. also we have been ttc #1 for a about 6 months now and am hesitant to throw 12 years away love him to bits but sometimes I feel like he is never goin to grow up. He is 31.