My boyfriend’s mom kicked me out on Christmas


My boyfriend of 1 1/2 years invited me over to his house for Christmas with his family since my mom was spending Christmas with a friend. About 2 hours after I’d been at the house, his mother started asking if my mom needed me home. I told her no, and that she would text me when she wanted me home for dinner. About 20 minutes later she then says, “your mom probably wants you home, she just doesn’t want to tell you.” Again, I told her that my mom was at a friend’s house and would text me when she wanted me home for dinner. My boyfriend’s mom then says “I’m not trying to kick you out, but your mom probably misses you.” At that point it was very obvious what she was doing and I gathered my things and asked my boyfriend to walk me to my car. When I got up to go to the door she asked if my mom was home, to which I told her no and that I didn’t know when she would be even after having texted her. She then asked if I was going to be home by myself, my answer was obviously yes, to which she responded, “oh well, Merry Christmas.” My boyfriend, who watched the whole ordeal said nothing and walked me out to my car. I was noticeably upset and when he asked why I told him that his mom had practically kicked me out and that I was upset since I didn’t know when I would get to see him again since I’m flying up up Massachusetts tomorrow morning. I was also sad that he never said anything in my defense or that he wanted me to stay. (side note, we’re both in college but we go to school in separate states, so we rarely see each other as it is) I just need someone to vent to… I haven’t heard from him other than when he texted me justifying that his mom was simply worried about my mom even after I told her she was with a friend. I’ve just never had such a miserable Christmas…