bad thoughts..

Katy • 22♡ Army wife♡ Mommy♡ YouTuber♡

so... every now and then I feel worthless and a waste of space.. I don't have a job I have a son that I love with everything in me and my husband is in the army but I feel bad that he's fighting for our country and I'm always at home doing nothing to make money or anything and a lot of times we argue to where I feel like it's never going to end or get better and being alone when he's gone feels like I'm trapped and can't breathe cause I'm so over.. . I always wonder if I die would he miss me or would he not care.. I watched my aunt go through losing my uncle from a car crash and she got engaged to somebody else less than a year after losing him and I don't want that to happen if I die.. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm exhausted and bored to death and just don't wanna be here anymore... I'm tired of being alone all the time and no help with my son..