His actions tell me there's another woman, but he swears it's just me..

I feel like my life is a lifetime movies special. A year ago, around Thanksgiving, I met this man at my favorite bar. This tall, handsome, Caramel bald headed man. I had no big interest in him because he wasn't my type. However, we had a great connection in addition to, good conversation, so I decided to take his number anyway. I called him a about a week later and he said, "Hey pretty lady, I been waiting on you to call me." You see, I had told him I might call. At the time, my Ex and I were having problems and he was cheating and I had been deba debation found out and I didn't want to be #petty, but I figured, it's just conversation. We bonded like that for about 2 weeks and I really liked this man then finally...i went to his house...we talked, cuddled, made out, and he gave me the best four play of my life, no sex at all, not even oral! I mean that literally. Lol. I left that night feeling butterflies..I felt like I had met an amazing person who would treat me like his queen. Days went by and his text grew less and less and I was really upset because my biggest pet peeve is someone ignoring me. so, I went the F* off, Before I blocked him. I'm talking about ignoring me for 3 days and then coming back like nothing happened with one text and then vanishing for 3days to maybe a week. I assumed he was attached to another woman so I blocked him and kept it moving. My ex and I continued to have our problems and eventually decided to have an open relationship. In April, I got a new phone and this man was back calling me. I didn't even realize it was him when I answered because I never knew his number by memory. There he was to tell me that the reason he stopped talking to me was bcuz I went off on him. he said oh, I was busy with work and you never gave me a chance. I told him, you are full of sh*t. That conversation turned into months of some of the same behavior and excuses from this man. His biggest pet peeve was my relationship. My ez knew about us and eventually, we ended the relationship in early July. Now I won't pretend this man had not invited me tonoutings and places before, bc he had. I just always turned him down because my breakup was fresh and for some dumb ads reason, I gave a f* about what people would think. we I'm 29 and he is 39 and my ex and I dated for 9 years. I just wasn't interested in all of the questions and whispers. so long story short, this man told me he loved me back in October and I reciprocated the phrase bc I too loved him. I knew I did I just wanted to make sure before I said it because despite his inconsistency, this made rode for me during all my crazy. Now, present day, I found out somethings about him...he is an alcoholic. a functional one, yet still an alcoholic. He sometimes does some type of drug. idk what it is, only seen it and it doesn't look familiar. also, I didn't get any greeting wishes, I love you, Or a gift on Christmas day. Now, he is J.W. and I'm Chrstian, but I just saw him Saturday in person. haven't talked to him since then. yet, I saw him Sunday Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> in Belk at the mall. I know this is a lot to read, and I feel as dumb as thus sounds but I have one rid bit to include. My ex and I live in the same house, separate bedrooms, split bills, because we are still on a lease. He doesn't like this at all, my tall Caramel friend. he feels like he should be able to come and sleep with me at my house. My ex and I have an agreement and we just don't do that. I feel he should respect my wishes. Do you think this issue of my ex and I still living together is what is causing this rift or do you think it's just a great excuse for new guy. well, after a year, I guess he isn't so new , but Idk what to do... I don't want someone who will make me feel better, I need and want your honesty. thank you in advance guys 😘