Push up wedding date

Ichigo • I have one daughter. I'm also pregnant with my second. Unmarried.

Sorry for the long post. So, my boyfriend (we've been talking aboit getting married for 3 months, have a date set and even told his mom, we just can't afford a ring and hw didn't get on one knee so I'm calling him bf) and I are planning on getting married in May. I'm pregnant and due in March. I also have a 2 year old. He is in the Air Force reserves. He doesn't want to go active because he doesn't want to dedicate life to the military. I plan on joining the militart as a career, but right now I'm pregnant. Right now we're trying to decide what to do because neither of us make much. We can't afford to move out of his moms, I have to leave work because I can't afford daycare for 2 kids. I'm keeping my daughter in her daycare becayse her dad pays half. Since transferring to active is a long process as well as waiting for on base housing, should we push up the date and have him go active or wait til May and then have him go active (which might end up being as long as waiting until I sign up.