You guyssssss!!!!! ❤️

Nicole • 👨🏼‍💻👩🏼‍🎨 Wife. Mommy 👦🏼👼🏻 TTC our 🌈

I think this is it!! I have taken like 8 hgc strips, 2 frer, and a clear blue digital and all say I’m pregnant! I am still a little cautious according to my last period, I am only 4w2d. But yay!!!! Let’s hope this is a sticky baby and will stay put. I can’t see my doctor until I’m 8 weeks. 😁 It’s so weird because I haven’t had any symptoms, I tested on a whim expecting a bfn. Lol

Hoping all of you ladies also get your bfp’s soon! ✨✨