The journey through a hard pregnancy & becoming a new mom


Told with pictures :)

It all started with falling in love❤️❤️❤️

Then came the biggest blessing I’ve ever received ❤️

First ultrasound (just a little smudge) around 9 weeks ❤️ first time hearing the heartbeat was so surreal. I was in denial I was even pregnant until I saw the US and heard the heartbeat. Then it all became so real so fast.

Lost my boyfriend due to suicide at 15 weeks pregnant.

Had an ultrasound the day I lost him. Had to go alone. It sucked. Our baby was a lot bigger that time. ❤️

Starting to get a little bump

Another ultrasound @ 18 weeks

Visiting daddy’s grave

Found out the gender... ITS A BOY 💙

Getting bigger each day :)

Only 10 weeks to go!!

First 3D ultrasound @ 30 weeks 😍 amazing

Another 3D ultrasound @ 35 weeks. Eeek getting so close to meeting him

A couple maternity pics taken @ 36 weeks :)

Last pic of my belly before he was born 😭❤️

First ever picture with my son after a long & traumatic birth ❤️

Only a day old ❤️

And now, 3 months old. The light of my life and the most amazing gift I could’ve ever received. Being a single mom is really hard sometimes but it’s all worth it. He’s amazing.
