Natural remedies for toddlers nasty cough

Amanda • Happily married for 13 years ❤️ Mommy to 8 beautiful kids

All pharmacies are closed until Tuesday and the little cough my 3 year old has had the past couple days just turned really bad. Shes coughing so hard she pukes. I’ve tried cough medicine from the doctor, natural cough medicine I made with honey, herbs and cinnamon sticks, and warm honey milk. I am now steeling fresh ginger in water with a clove for tea that I’ll add honey too. I don’t have any lemons and the grocery stores are close until Tuesday as well.

My 1 year old also has a bad cough but she’s not throwing up. She’s small for her age so I’m afraid to give her honey. Suggestions for her?

Anything else I can try if this fails too?