Brain Tumor

izzy • in love with my bestfriend❤️

So i have a great boyfriend but when it comes to my health he is very insensitive. i’m 18 and lactating but i’m not pregnant so my mom and i went to the gyno and he said i’m producing too much prolactin and i may have a tumor on my pituitary gland. the surgery is really easy but still brain surgery sounds very scary. on top of that i have hashimotos and hypothyroidism with two precancerous modules and a goiter, a 6cm cyst on my ovary which may have to be removed surgically as well. also severely imbalanced hormones... so i am very tired all the time due to my health and my medications and he complains about me sleeping all the time and told me that i overreact about my health. i overreact?!?! i may have a brain tumor! and may end up with thyroid cancer (my mom had it too). i guess i came on here for support because lord knows he’s not giving me any...