single digit weather


how do I get my 11 month old out in single digit weather not for a walk or anything but for some fresh air it's been days maybe even a week since he's been outside in the sun and got fresh air I'm so at a loss. I don't want to take him for a walk or even have him out for more than 2 minutes because with the wind chill it's been feeling like 1°to -1°. way too cold for a baby. he's such an outdoors kid I take him to the mall for walks and other places but he hates being in his stroller if he's indoors. I cant carry him either he's a pretty big boy 25lbs 30in long and I'm pregnant with a big belly so I can strap him to my body but certainly not for long maybe 15 minutes tops. I usually like to get him out for a hour. it is also a problem because he barely sleeps if he doesn't get outside that's the ponly way to get him enough sleep through the night to take him out during the day. I'm in such a pickle please help.