Pain, fearful as my chronic pain returns almost 8wks pregnant


Okay back story

I have had three surgeries in the last 11 Years.

I had an 8cm cyst on my right ovary twist my tube when I was 12. It was drained via keyhole and they saved the tube.

I have had reoccurring cysts since then that have not required surgery and have all ruptured.

At almost 18 I had my appendix removed.

After this I had episodes of unexplained pain not always connected to a cyst.

From 2015 to October 24th 2017 I was chronic getting maybe a week or two break from the pain every few weeks or months. So days I’d be hospitalised.

When my husband and I decided we wanted a baby I was terrified I wouldn’t conceive due to my horrific pain.

Not to mention just intercourse alone was 65% of the time uncomfortable or undoable. At the time doctors thought I could have endometriosis. I was truly worried. After three and a half months of trying to conceive (TTC), tracking all my ovulations and cervical mucus (CM) etc. I caved and went and saw a private gynaecologist.

On the October 24th I had my third surgery ... they discovered a very small adhesion on my right ovary. They removed it.

On the tenth of November I finally conceived my first miracle. I had no more pain either. It was gone.

For the first time years I felt alive, minus the morning sickness and sore boobs and other pregnancy changed.

Until ... a few days ago I had a twinge of pain ... it came and went like lighting. I shrugged it off.

On the 1/1/2018 I began to feel it again. Very mildly 3/10.

At 2.16 am on the 2/1/18 I woke up in a cold sweat horrible cramps and had loose poo and vomited bile. Woke up in the morning and more poo occurred.

That afternoon the pain was at a 7/10. I rung a nurse over the phone and asked for advice.

I was in the emergence department 45 mins later. Panicked the pain worsening.

Terrified that my baby was going to be effected.

After being transferred to another hospital at 1.40 am on the 3/1/18 I found out my baby was healthy with a strong heartbeat. But my pain was still unknown.

I don’t know how to cope ... I’m scared out of my mind .... the pain is unbearable... I want to be healthy for my child, for my husband, for myself .... I don’t know what the doctors can do. The pain meds don’t help. I so frightened ...

Mums who have chronic pain, how do you do it?

From a very emotional mum to be ... 😢