I have been blessed with a awesome child! 🤘🏻


Ok so she’s my first baby and I was so stressed before having her because as always you get people telling you horror stories about screaming babies and sleepless nights for the first few years.. let me tell you I was shitting myself 😂

however my beautiful daughter has been the polar opposite of everything they have said she is incredible and I absolutely love being her mama! Like seriously this kid only cries if she’s hungry or is doing a poo 💩 she puts herself to sleep without a fuss I don’t have to rock her just feed and burp her and then lay her down and she drifts off to sleep and when shes awake she’s all smiles and just wants to coo at everyone! She will sleep anywhere in her pram, cot, car seat, bouncer you name it and she loves being passed around by people it doesn’t bother her at all!

☺️ and yes I realise that there are other mothers who don’t have it as easy, honestly I look up to them and respect them so much! I have no idea how I’d cope if she wasn’t such a chill baby! Anyways that’s my little brag over let’s hear yours 😊