Respecting feelings... ?

My Bf has been snapping a (kind of) mutual friend. I say kind of because I am not as friendly as I use to be with her, we just kind of drifted apart as friends do.

So they've been snapping for over a year nearly every single day, and it wouldn't be just once a day either and sometimes it would be a full length pic of her in a revealing outfit. I have brought it up with my bf multiple times and we've had fights about it.

Recently I brought it up one more time because enough is enough. I was pretty much nope I have enough.

We discussed it and he agreed that if I were doing the same with his friend he would be pissed, but... He was not happy with me asking him to stop talking to her daily. I didn't even ask him to cut her off completely, because I know they are friends.

Anyways I finally was just like nope, you are not respecting my feelings and there must be a reason. So I asked straight out do you have feelings for her?

So he said no. Then I was like ok then you shouldn't find it so difficult to respect me and my feelings. and I am going to message this girl as well and talk to her, because we use to be close so thats the least I could do, be straight forward. I messaged her and it was a nice CIVILIZED msg and she told me nope and that she can do whatever she likes and that we are not friends at all. So I just said Ok. She obviously has feelings...

Anyways I tell my bf this and he does nothing and says nothing even though I pretty upset about it. And he still hasn't apologized himself for being a dick. Like I did apologise about asking him to do this and feel so bad about all of this but I just can't help it. So now I still feel shit and feel even worse because he just doesn't seem to care about my feelings at all... I dunno what to do. I probably should talk to him about it but he will just get angry because I bring things up again and it's all just a big mess!!!