getting over this

so the beginning of the semester I starting liking this guy. we eventually started messaging and he seemed really cool. we went out to the movies as friends and I thought it went well. I starting developing a crush on him. I told him about it, and he said he didn't know how he felt. I also told him that i was ok with being friends and that I respected his feelings. he never really responded. sadies was coming up and I asked if he wanted to go with me. he told me "why not". it started getting closer to the dance and he said he didn't want to go. I did tell him that in order to be friends, he needed to want to be friends. he said "yea",, which isny much of an answer. he started acting strange, and I asked what was up. he then blocked me on everything. I never did anything to him. I asked a couple of friends who are also acquaintances with him. they said that I had just annoyed him. problem is, when I first started messaging him, i told him to let me know if I started coming off as clingy. he never said anything. I eventually had a conversation with him through a friends Snapchat. that ended very poorly. he said that a normal person would've taken the hint and that he didn't want to be friends. I asked why he didn't just tell me that when I had asked. never really got a clear answer. In the end he called me a bitch and we haven't talked since. it's been over a month. hes in my English class. but I STILL LIKE HIM. after all of that bs I still manage to think about him a lot. he makes me laugh and he's pretty cute. I know I need to move on but for some reason i can't. I need advice on how to go about doing that. it's bugging me a lot..and I hate myself for it. it was obviously my fault for not taking the hint,, I can be pretty simple minded sometimes. wish it would have ended differently but oh well. I need to get over it and just don't know how. any advice?