My baby boy is here!


This would be my 3rd delivery. My due date was Jan 21st. I went to my 37 week appointment on Thursday Jan 4th at 37w 4d. Normal appointment. Weight, pee, measure, heart beat. Dr will check me at 38 weeks. Offered to induce at anytime after 39 weeks. I said no thanks, he'll come when he's ready. Friday morning I wake up get ready to log in to work, I work from home. Logged in around 8am and have a contraction around 8:45..... Get on a call/meeting at 9am and have 2 more contractions during it......Hmmm my husband and daughter are upstairs. I what upstairs and let him know to please get clothes ready that I'm going to start timing my contractions. Well around 10:30 hits and they had become back to back contractions about 5 to 6 minutes apart so I let my manager know I'm going to lay down and time them and see if I need to go to the hospital. I told my husband to get dressed because he's taking me in, they're not going away and getting stronger. I had him drop me off at labor and delivery to take my daughter to my parent's house. This was at 12:18am. Triage takes me back at 12:30 sets me up, contractions are now, at most, 2 minutes apart and very strong. Dr comes in to check me at 1:08pm. He says I'M 9CM AND NEED TO GO TO LABOR NOW! To call my Dr. (His office is right behind the hospital) I texted my husband and mom between contractions to let them know BABY IS COMING. That message was at 1:10pm. I get moved to a delivery room, my Dr comes in and is getting everything ready. He asked if my water ruptured, nurse said no. He says "Ok let me check her." Mind you all i am thinking is this shit hurts, WHERE is my epidoral. He goes to check me and my water burst EVERYWHERE. I hear him say "Head is right there, Mom, push!. I remember screaming "No, I can't this burns." I'm alone, my husband still hasn't gotten back. Nurse tells me "Mom, you can do this." I push as hard as I can through this burning pain, and my son comes right out! Per the nurse, my water ruptured at 1:23pm, 2 minutes after my water ruptured my son was born at 1:25pm. My husband walked in at 1:40pm. All i said was "I don't know what just happened." as I'm holding my son..... Update: My son was 6lbs 9oz, 19 1/2 inches. He's actually my biggest. My 1st was 5lbs 12oz, 18 inches, my 2nd 5lbs 9oz, 19 inches. We're being discharged today. Both of us are healthy and he's perfect. I did have a small tear only 1 stitch needed.