Should I move on??):

Hi ladies... well a while ago, in the month of December I found the most perfect guy ever, he’s so amazing, sweet, handsome, just everything I wanted in a man. And he would call me his gf and would want to meet my parents and wanted me to meet his, but he never really showed me off on sc or Instagram(i know I should not care about that but I’ll explain why I care in a bit) so on Tuesday we hung out, he told me he loves me and I said do you really? And he said no what I meant is I really like you and I really need to talk to you, so we talked. He pretty much told me he likes me a lot, but doesn’t want to be tied down right now, he said he doesn’t want a girlfriend right now and he said he doesn’t mean he will never ask me out but he still made me sad bc I really liked him.... so that was that, he just said he wants to meet others, talk to others and not feel guilty about it bc he’s talking to me(i appreciate his honesty towards me) so the next day he hung out with this girl, he hung out with her atleast 3 times in a row.... and he’s been posting pictures with her and of her on social media... not sure if it’s to make me jealous or he does it bc he likes her now? But he never did that to me, and we haven’t really been texting anymore he lags so much and the last time I heard from him was yesterday morning he said good morning to me. So is it over ladies? Should I move on? Sorry if this is long thank you if you took your time to read this