Feeling Guilty

Right a while ago my friends aunt passed away. I've know this girl from childhood but for the past few years we'd been growing apart and fought and she even admitted she talks about me behind my back which I had never done to her until recently because now that I have real friends that care about what I say. But anyway this gossiping had alienated me from the other girls aswell so the entire group disliked me apart from maybe two who were too civil to be bitchy to me openly. So when my friends aunt passed away I expressed my condolences and asked my mom if I could take he day off school to go to the funeral. She said she'd get back to me on it to give permission. I thought she wouldn't let me so when my boyfriend suggested that instead I skip class anyway and we hang out. I said alright but then my mother says I can go to the funeral so I make an excuse so I can go in and hangout with my boyfriend. So essentially I skipped a funeral of a childhood friend to hang with my boyfriend. It's just that I knew how horrible she made me feel day in day out and how amazing he always makes me feel but looking back I feel terrible and I'd die if anyone found out. He said it's not bad but I want a second opinion.Please help I feel awful PS we don't hang out anymore and I'm glad of it I'm much happier now