How fast pregnant after removal Mirena?



hi everyone! I don't know if this is the right place to post this question, so please let me know if this isn't okay. I had my Mirena removed Dec 6, after having two in the previous 8 years (one 5 yrs, the second 3). When I had my Mirena, I didn't have any menstruation or bleeding, but my cycle was still regular (bloating, sore breasts, moody as hell etc), between approx.22-28 of every month. I still have not menstruated, and we had sex days after removal. I have menstrual-like cramps, on and off, my breasts are swollen and VERY painful, I'm extremely tired, and pregnancy tests so far are negative - all the same as in the beginning of my previous pregnancy. Did anyone else get pregnant right after removal of Mirena even without menstruation inbetween? Or is it just my hormones going crazy? I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to get my blood checked, just to be sure.

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My first mirena it took me exactly a year to get pregnant, the month we stopped trying I got pregnant. This time I got my mirena out in September and hoping it doesn't take a year again..


Amanda • Jan 8, 2018
the first one was in for 5 years and the second one was in for like 6 months.


Posted at
Hi there, I got pregnant exactly two month after the removal of my Mirena IUD. I also didn’t get my period while on the IUD and had it in for three years. I had two menstrual cycles before getting pregnant after the removal, but we didnt have sex until the end of the first month. I guess it could happen that you had sex right in the beginning of your cycle which could mean that you are pregnant. Have you tried an at home test??


Camille • Jan 8, 2018
Well then the blood test is probably your best bet for now :)


Natasja • Jan 8, 2018
several tests, all negative, but this feels the same as my previous pregnancy. I was 8 weeks along then before even getting a faint line (even though everything was fine and our son is now 9 :-))