idk what to do

Yasmine • Live. Laugh. & Love being a Lady

i have been having terrible anxiety since 7th grade. some days i have multiple anxiety attacks & they leave me feeling like nothing. ive told my mother about the anxiety attacks & she doesnt believe me. she thinks im faking or that i just want to get out of class or school, but thats not the case. im worried about myself because im scared of what i might do to myself in the future. im pretty sure i have depression but i have not been to the psychiatrist because of my mother. i struggle with my weight a lot & some days i choose not to eat because i either am not hungry or i dont deserve to eat. yes, i have self harmed & my official clean date is 12/28/17. the nearest mental health facility is an hour away in the town where my father lives. i dont know what to do anymore. do i check myself in at the hospital so i dont hurt myself any more? or do i just wait until my mother gets the picture that im hurting? i am 16 years old