*TRIGGER WARNING* What do I even call this?!


So when I was 11 my step family moved in, one younger daughter and an older daughter and brother. I am a very naturally shy and anxious person which I later discovered was social anxiety.

Anyway my older step brother started to play a game with all of us, which was hide and seek. It involved my younger brothers and sisters as well as my younger step sister.

This was the first game and I decided to hide in my younger sisters room under her cot, and surprise I was found first, my older step brother crawled under the cot and laid on top of me saying "is this alright?" Now mind you I'm 11 and he is 15, I had no idea what was going on so I said "yeah."

He then told me to crawl out and wear my little sisters underwear, I was confused and scared but he was older then me and I did what he said, even though I kept saying I didn't want to he insisted so I did it telling him not to look. He then made me crawl back under and stay quiet to hide from the other children.

Another incident was when I was in the spa with my older step brother and younger step sister while they pressured me to take my underwear off and switch it around because "it was on the wrong way" and little shy me did it.

The last of this was when he wanted to play hide and seek again and when everyone ran away to hide he grabbed my arm pulling me into a hug, I was over it and freaked out I knew something was wrong so I yelled "no!" And pushed my self away and then ran to my room.

That was the last he played hide and seek with us.

I later told my dad as I cried because these incidents (although minor) kept me up at night and my step mum insisted that my older step brother was a nice kid and would never do that and said that it must have been someone else.

Now what I am wondering is is this incident that happened 3 years ago even a matter anymore, if it was sexual acts, and if this is even a thing I should be worried about.

This incident has caused me lots of pain and distrust, I hate people touching me and being in rooms with older boys. I even still cry about it sometimes. But one thing that scares me is that my younger siblings say how kind our older step brother was when he used to play games with us and they share that memory as something they want to happen again.