Unsupportive Husband

Mama🐻 • SAHM 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 married my best friend 💍 boy mom x2💙💙

Okay I know i have posted quite a bit about little things my husband does that upset me, but i promise it's an amazing relationship and always has been. I should share that i have severe depression and severe anxiety so maybe that has a lot to do with my complaining. ANYWAY....so when i was pregnant with our son 2 years ago, I was constantly sick, no motivation, no nothing and he was somewhat supportive, and would understand when I didn't clean or whatever on a really bad day. With this pregnancy it's a complete different story. Im sick on and off and absolutely no energy ever... I have let a lot go but have been working on catching back up when i get a spike of energy. But he makes me feel likw complete and utter shit if I have a bad day, he doesn't care at all how i feel unless he hears of sees me puking. Then he has a little sympathy. He is constabtly complaint about how hard he works and so on but doesn't believe me when I say being a SAHM is hard too, even more so now that im pregnant again. But he just tells me he'd rather trade places with me and that I need to stop complaining and be a better mother and wife....not sure how to feel or what to do. I've tried talking to him and telling him how he makes me feel sometimes and it always launches into how ungreatful I am for being a SAHM. but not once have I ever complained about staying how with our son at all.