Need a rant/advice!

So I've been with him for 4 years married for 1 and have a 2 year old daughter. He's always been sneaking around. Cheated on me at the beginning of the relationship and wanking all the time. I have always told him you're fine to masterbate but not to porn, do it to pictures of me (which he has). Every since then he's been really controlling and emotionally abusive. I keep finding out he's been watching porn. When I was in hospital after giving birth to our daughter he messaged a woman, I caught him. He stopped...untill a week before our wedding he started talking to her again (and when I say talking I mean sending pics) He's always lying about everything . at the end of November 2017 I found out that it escalated to him sleeping with 3 prostitutes. On Christmas day I caught him masterbating over bisexual threesome porn. Which fucking killed me on Christmas day. We're doing marriage counselling for our daughter to see of we can make it work. But I dunno if he will ever change, I'm so f***ing depressed about it all.