Give up or not???

Hello everyone.. Please let me know what you think.

I've been a relationship with this guy now for over 6 years. I've been thinking of giving up on him. I love him a lot but I have to wonder how he feels about me too often.

He has serious problems expressing his feelings and communicating with me and it makes me feel unwanted, and taken for granted.

He is a nice guy and he says that he loves me but again sometimes it just doesn't feel like it.

I talk a lot and express my feelings and often get very upset with him because he does not respond. It actually feels like I'm being ignored.

It's hard to find a good man which is why I keep hanging on..

Do you feel that I'm just wasting time with him?

Oh yea, he never speaks of marriage. In fact we have not grown @ all.

We get along well, but it seems like we are just going thru the motions