They say God doesn’t give you what you can’t handle, right?

Elle • Identical twin girls, born 1/10/19

Found out I was pregnant in October. Miscarried in November.

(Empty gestational sac)

Found out I was pregnant early December, before I even had a period.

Discovered that my yolk sac is enlarged, and that the pregnancy is not viable.

They want to schedule a DNC on Friday after I see the sonogram one last time on Thursday. That’s great, my birthday is on Sunday.

While mentally processing all of this, I got a call around 4am yesterday morning from my sister, my nephew/her son’s father was killed in a car accident overnight. She needed me to come over so she could figure out how to tell her six year old that his father passed away. The funeral is the day I’m supposed to have my DNC.

I just need life to ease up for like a minute so I can catch my breath.

To top it off, I check in on my 17 year old cat regularly to make sure she is still alive, she’s in end stage renal failure.

I’m sorry to dump/rant. I need to find hope somewhere, and you all are the group I find most inspirational because of how many of you have experienced the same type of loss, and you pick yourselves up and try again. I appreciate all of you and your strength in sharing your stories and supporting each other.